Wednesday, May 29, 2013

'Bill's Petals' by Nikolai

May 27, 2013

At Cafe Chi this week we had to write a declaration of love monologue/scene. It could be as sweet, dramatic, bold, creepy or stalkerish as we wanted. Here is mine that I wrote called "Bill's Petals". Enjoy!

Bill's Petals

If there never was another day with you, oh how I would despair. Never to have sunbeams radiate through your beautiful locks of hair--what a tragedy! Never, never, this cannot be. The world must spin on. And surely it will because the love which courses through my veins is a a love that must overcome all obstacles. But the biggest obstacle of all I have found is that you do not believe my love is true. So let me tell you how sincere my love is for you, and thereby you can see, that if the world spins another day that it should be full of a two way love between you and me.

I love thee, I love thee, how many ways I do love thee.

I love how much I miss you when you are absent from my presence which believe me is a lot.

I love how little your feet are, and I love even more your size 5 shoe size shoes--soooo cute!

I love your serious ninja skills. Last week at the party, I saw you and you saw me and then you disappeared for the rest of the night. I searched that place up and down. I repeat, serious ninja skills.

I love your giggle when someone else tells a funny joke. Hopefully one day I will tell a funny joke like them. Can you teach me...please?

Oh, yes, I love the car you drive, even though I have never ridden in it I am sure it is very nice. I think you should name it Bill JR., after me, of course.

I love the first day I lay eyes upon you, when I went to my job that day at the flower shop. I thought to myself, wow, these flowers seem so bland and drab compared to your absolute prettiness.

I love the endless paintings of you that I have hanging in my room in which I have made futile attempts to capture the essence of your beauty, the true source of beauty.

I love how you awkwardly look away, when I stare at you, taking in all the inspiration for my paintings. And then ninja style you disappear again, when I look down at my sketchbook to draw you. Oh well, now I will just have to picture you in my head.

I love the way I get to declare my love to you in this way. It is just sooo fun. I think I love it as much as I love you. Which, like I said before, is a lot!

"Hey, Bill. Quit daydreaming. Back to work." says my Boss.

I look down at the sad looking petal-less daisy. Oh well, I am out of petals, and maybe, hopefully, I am finally out of reasons to continue being really creepy towards a girl I hardly even know. Back to work.

Written by Nikolai

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